Caution urged towards snowdrifts, esp. as day progresses
Avalanche danger in the morning is low, later danger will rise to moderate above the timberline. Due to intensifying winds, freshly generated snowdrift accumulations will be evident, triggerable even by one sole skier, mostly small-sized releases. Danger zones will become more frequent during the course of the day, esp. on shady steep slopts and in gullies and bowls on NW/N/E facing slopes. In isolated cases, small-to-medium glide-snow avalanches are possible.
On steep shady slopes above 2000m the snowpack is expansively metamorphosed. Weak layers in the lowermost part of the snowpack are no longer likely to trigger. Shallow, hardened snowdrift accumulations have been deposited by southerly foehn winds on top of a faceted, expansively metamorphosed surface on very steep shady slopes. All in all, the snowpack surface is becoming even more variable due to wind impact. Sunny slopes: due to mild temperatures and solar radiation, the snowpack surface has become wet. During the cloudy nighttime hours a melt-freeze crust can hardly form. In general, there is very little snow on sunny slopes.
Snowdrift accumulations will remain prone to triggering
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Small danger zones due to freshly generated snowdrift accumulations
Avalanche danger is low. During the course of the day, fresh snowdrift accumulations will accumulate, these can be triggered even by one sole skier and release a small avalanche. Danger zones occur near ridgelines, esp. in steep shady terrain. Caution: danger of taking a fall.
On steep shady slopes above 2000m the fresh fallen snow will be deposited atop an expansively metamorphosed snowpack. There, and inside the snowdrift masses, weak layers can form. On sunny slopes and at lower altitudes the bonding of fresh snow to old snow is generally good, weak layers occur only inside the drifted masses. Weak layer in the lowermost part of the snowpack are no longer likely to trigger.
Snowdrift accumulations will remain prone to triggering
Avalanche danger abovethe treeline is moderate, below that altitude danger is low. Due to intensifying winds, fresh snowdrift accumulations are being generated which can be triggered as small avalanches even be minimum additional loading, if there is sufficient snowfall medium-sized avalanches are possible. Danger zones will increase in frequency as the day progresses, occur esp. in very shady gullies and bowls distant from ridgelines on NW/N/NE facing slopes. Avalanches in the old snow above 2200m are isolated, possible only in extremely steep terrain on north-facing sllopes. In isolated cases small to medium sized glide-snow avalanches are possible.
Shady slopes: on steep shady slopes above 2000m the fresh fallen snow will often be deposited on a metamorphosed surface. There, and inside the drifted masses, weak layers can be generated. On sunny slopes and at lower altitudes, the bonding of fresh fallen snow to the old snowpack is generally good, weak layers are found only inside the newly generated drifts. Weak layers in the lowermost part of the snowpack are no longer likely to trigger.
Snowdrift accumulations remain prone to triggering