
Tuesday 25 February 2025

Published 24 Feb 2025, 17:00:00

Danger level

Avalanche danger low. The amount of snow is low.

Still low avalanche danger. Danger spots can be located in high altitudes in shady, extremely steep areas. There slab avalanches and driftsnow accumulations could be triggered. Gliding snow avalnaches in steep grass-slopes cannot be ruled out.


In high altitudes small amounts of snowdrift accumulations have formed which partially are on top of faceted snow which can be considered as weak layers in rare cases. The snow surface is hard in high altitudes. Blown-off areas are eventually icy. Weak layers in the snow base (kinetic metaphorphosis) and is hardly prone to triggering. On sunny slopes the surface got wet, it is hardly possible to settle during the night due to cloudiness.


Increasingly coller mountain weather with some precipitation. The avalanche danger stays low.