During the course of the day on sunny slopes increasing moist loss. On shady slopes danger spots due to snowdrift.
Avalanche danger is in general low. During the course of the day loose wet-snow avalanches which could be triggered in extremly steep, rocky slopes can be sponaneously triggered. These avalanches are mostly small sized. Occasionaly fresh snowdrift deposits in high altitudes on shady slopes and adjaecent to ridgelines could be triggered as small slab avalanches.
During the nicht the snow cover cools down and solidifies. Due to radiation the snow will get firn-like already in the morning and gets increasingly moist and instable. on shady slopes in hight altitudes loose snow is found in some places, and in rare cases fresh snowdrift deposits which are prone to triggering have formed due to southern winds. The snow surface is often icy or hoar-like. The snow base is predominantly stable. Especially on sunny slopes only little amounts of snow is found even in high altitudes.
On Sunday sunny weather is called with high veil clouds. The southern winds are increasing in some places but it will stay mild. The avalanche danger will stay low.