
Friday 31 January 2025

Published 31 Jan 2025, 09:53:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Old snow in high altitudes and increasing gliding snow activities.

Moderate avalanche danger above 1.800 m. The main problem still a weak old snow cover underneath fresh snowdrift deposits. Danger spots are predominately in entries and peripheral areas of extremly steep gullies and bowls in the north to east expositions. Below 2.000 m spontaneous glidingsnow or gliding loose snow avalanches coming from extremly steep slopes are possible. Avoid areas below glide cracks.


The snowcover is moist even in high altitudes and partially wet till the ground. Exposed areas are icy and hard. Especially in northern and eastern expositions driftsnow deposits have settled. They accumulated on top of a moist old snow cover which is weakened due to metamorphosis. In steep areas the wet snow cover is prone to triggering when it’s on top of grass or smooth surfaces.


On Saturday the weather will be better due to upcoming south currents in the region north of the Alpenhauptkamm. No significant change of the avalanche danger.

Danger level

Avalanche danger low, little snow.

Avalanche danger low. Only in some places spontaneous glidingsnow and wet loose snow avalanches coming from extremly steep slops are possible. Avoid areas below open gliding cracks. Risk of injuries is more likely than risks of falling or being buried.


In general the snow amount is below the average. Southern slopes and exposed areas are predominatels bare and the surfaces are icy and hard in the morning. Everywhere else the snowcover is even on summits moist and partially wet till the ground. In some places in northern to eastern high altitudes expositions frech thin snowdriftis layered on top of an old snow cover which is weakened due to kinetic metamorphosis.
