
Wednesday 29 January 2025

Published 29 Jan 2025, 07:12:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Wet snow

Persistent weak layers in high altitudes, increasing wet snow problem in medium altitudes.

The avalanche danger is moderate above 1.800 m. the weakend old snow cover underneath the fresh snowdrift deposits are the main problem. Danger Spots are located in northwest- and eastern expositions and are increasing in higher altitudes. Especially in entries and in peripheral areas ti extremly steep gullies and bowls slab avalanches can be triggered. THese can reach medium sizes. In medium altitudes spontaneous wet slab avalanches especially in extremly steep eastern slopes are possible.h


The snowcover is in general unusually thin considering the season. it is already in high altitudes moist and partially wet to the ground. Tuesday fresh snowdrif deposits are accumulating in Northern and eastern expositions on top of a moist and -due to faceted snow crystals weakend - old snow cover.


Thursday is predominately sunny and temperatures are around 5 degrees higher than Wednesday. Due to that the setteling of the snow cover is advanced.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wet snow

Little new snow, increasing wet snow problem - avalanche danger low.

The avalanche danger is low. Only in some places in high altitudes an extremely steep and shady gullies and bowls spontaneous small slab avalanches are possible. In case of triggered avalanches risk of injuries is more likely than risk of being buried.


The snow cover is unusual thin for this season and southern slopes as well as exposed areas are predominatly bare. The new snow accumulates predominantly in north to eastern expositions in from of snowdrift deposits. The old snow base is mostly moist and to the ground wet. Tuesday small amounts of snowdrift accumulated in north- to eastern expositions. The old snow cover is weakenddue to faceted snow layers.


Thursday is predominately sunny and temperatures are around 5 degrees higher than Wednesday. Due to that the setteling of the snow cover is advanced.