
Monday 23 December 2024

Published 23 Dec 2024, 10:55:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Fresh snowdrift!

Moderate avalanche danger above 1.600 m. Wind slab problem! The new snow and the snowdrift covers danger spots. The danger spots are located in the sectors north to southeast. In the beginning of gullies and bowls an individual person can trigger a medium slab avalanch.


20 cm new snow has fallen between Dachstein and Totes Gebirge, a little less than that in the northern Niedere Tauern and Hochschwab. The new snow and the drift snow accumulated above the tree line on a cold soft base. The wind drifted it from the ridgelines. The soft layers within the driftsnow layer and snowy in surface hoar can be weak layers.


Christmas will be cloudy in the mountains. Dachstein, Schladminger Tauern and Hochschwab will be permanently snowy, in the northwest heavy snow. These southern regions stay predominantly dry apart from some little snow showers. Most precipitation is expected on Nordstau! Increasing avalanche danger is to expect!

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

New snow and snowdrift in high altitudes!

Low avalanche danger. A little more danger spots formed due to snowdrift. These are located in gullies and bowls above 1.600 m mainly in the sector east. Slab avalanches can be triggered by high additional loads.


In the southern mountains and in northeast Styria the snow base is still thin. The new snow landed on surface hoar - on the sunny side on grass. The snow base is thin and shows no significant weak layers. Blown off areas are hard and icy.


The avalanche danger is slightly increasing in the southern Niedere Tauern. South of Mur-Mürzfurche no significant change of the avalanche danger.