Above tree line increasing avalanche danger due to fresh drift snow!
The Avalanche danger above the tree line is moderate but increasing during day due to accumulating snowdrift. Below the tree line the avalanche danger scale stays low. Accumulating easterly snowdrifts in areas adjacent to ridgelines as well as on slopes are dangerous. Small additional load could trigger medium slab avalanches.
The snow base doesn’t show significant weak layers. In high shady slopes faceted snow base is found. The surface is crusted on sunny slopes with partially surface hoar. Saturday night 10-30 cm new snow is called which will by drifted by stormy northwesterly winds to the eastern sector. Weak layers are expected within the snowdrift layer as well as to the base layer.
The snow will stop on Monday, wind slab problem will persist.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Avalanche danger low but danger spots due to fresh in snowdrift deposits above the tree line.
The Avalanche danger is generally low but above the tree in Niedere Tauern few danger spots are located. Caution: fresh driftsnow deposits adjacent to ridgelines in the eastern sector. Accumulating easterly snowdrifts in areas adjacent to ridgelines. Small additional load could trigger small slab avalanches.
South of the Alps the snow base is small without significant weak layers. In high shady slopes some spores with faceted snow layers are located which provide little stability. On Sunday in Niedere Tauern and the eastern sector drift snow deposits will form which are not sufficient connected with the snow base.
The weather will calm down on Monday, avalanche danger stays low.