Avoid snowdrift accumulations on steep shady slopes
Avalanche danger is low. Small slab avalanches can be triggered by one sole skier in a few steep spots. Danger zones occur above 2200m esp. on NW/N/NE facing slopes, on occasion distant from ridgelines. Caution urged esp. at entry points into very steep gullies and bowls. During the course of the day, naturally triggered loose-snow avalanches can be expected in extremely steep south-facing terrain below 2200m. On steep grass-covered slopes, isolated small glide-snow avalanches are possible in isolated cases.
The snowpack surface is highly diverse. On shady slopes the expansively metamorphosed surface can serve as a potential weak layer beneath the snowdrift patches.
Little change anticipated
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow
Only few danger zones
Avalanche danger is low. Isolated danger zones occur near ridgelines, esp. in steep shady terrain at summit level. Apart from the danger of being buried in snow masses, the risks of being swept along and forced to take a fall demand adequate consideration. During the course of the day, small loose-snow slides continue to be possible. On steep grass-covered slopes, isolated small glide-snow avalanches are possible.
On shady slopes at high altitudes, isolated weak layers in transitions from old to fresh snow. On sunny slopes and at lower altitudes the snowpack is often 0-degrees isotherm.
Initially no change. On Friday, more fresh snowfall.