Caution urged in steep shady terrain seldom skied on
In some places avalanches can be triggered by one sole skier, generate medium-sized releases, mostly above 2000m in transitions from shallow to deeper snow, e.g. at entry points into gullies and bowls. Danger zones tend to increase in frequency with ascending altitude. Activities in backcountry demand cautious route selection, particularly in shady steep terrain seldom skied on. In isolated cases small glide-snow avalanches are possible. Caution urged below glide cracks. Due to daytime warming and solar radiation, increasingly frequent loose-snow slides are possible, particularly on steep sunny slopes.
The snowpack was able to settle and consolidate somewhat due to higher temperatures and solar radiation. Particularly on shady slopes in the uppermost part of the snowpack there are weak layers evident which can easily be triggered. Highly diverse snowpack surface are evident, there is still powder on shady wind-protected slopes, otherwise wind crusts. On steep sunny slopes a melt-freeze crust is evident. Encrusted snowpack surfaces moisten during the day.
Avalanche danger levels will decrease further
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Gliding snow
Avalanche danger is low. On very steep grass-covered slopes, mostly small glide-snow avalanches can trigger naturally.
The snowpack was able to settle and consolidate somewhat due to higher temperatures and solar radiation. Particularly on shady slopes in the uppermost part of the snowpack there are weak layers evident which can easily be triggered. During the course of the day, superficially melt-freeze encrusted layers are becoming moist on steep sunny slopes, often wind crusts. On steep sunny slopes a melt-freeze crust is evident. Encrusted snowpack surfaces moisten during the day.
Avalanche danger levels are not expected to change significantly.