Rainfall up to 1600m, circumvent drifts above 1800m. Isolated naturally triggered avalanches still possible.
Snowdrift accumulations which are prone to triggering have been generated particularly in gullies, bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape due to fresh snow and storm-velocity SW winds. The freshly generated drifts can be triggered even by one sole skier. Particularly unfavorable are shady slopes where there are weak layers inside the old snowpack. Releases will be mostly small-sized, medium-sized in isolated cases. Size of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude.
dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind dp.1: deep persistent weak layer
Rainfall widespread up to 1600m, above 1800m up to 60 cm of fresh snow was registered, most between Hochstuhl and Koschuta. Often moderate winds transported the fresh fallen snow. The fresh snowdrift accumulations were deposited atop a weak old snowpack surface particularly on shady slopes above 1800m. Further snowdrifts will accumulate during the course of the day. The snowpack is highly diverse even over small areas. There is too little snow on the ground for this juncture of the season.
Snowdrift accumulations which are prone to triggering were generated particularly in gullies, bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape due to fresh snow and increasingly storm-velocity SW winds. Snowdrifts can be triggered by one single skier. Avalanches can in isolated cases trigger naturally and grow to medium size. They can also trigger in the weak layers in isolated cases and grow to medium size. Particularly unfavorable are shady slopes. Size and frequency of danger zones will tend to increase with ascending altitude.
dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind dp.1: deep persistent weak layer
Up to 25 cm of fresh snow was registered, locally more. Often moderate winds transported the fresh fallen snow. The fresh snowdrift accumulations were deposited atop a weak old snowpack surface particularly on NW/N/SE facing slopes above 2400m. The old snowpack is expansively metamorphosed, and faceted. Further snowdrifts will accumulate during the course of the day. The snowpack is highly diverse even over small areas.
Circumvent fresh snowdrifts
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Circumvent snowdrifts
Snowdrift accumulations which are prone to triggering were generated particularly in gullies, bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape due to fresh snow and increasingly storm-velocity SW winds. Snowdrifts can be triggered by one single skier. Avalanches can in isolated cases trigger naturally and grow to medium size. They can also trigger in the weak layers in isolated cases and grow to medium size. Particularly unfavorable are shady slopes. Size and frequency of danger zones will tend to increase with ascending altitude.
dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind dp.1: deep persistent weak layer
Up to 30 cm of fresh snow was registered regionally, locally more. Often moderate winds transported the fresh fallen snow. The fresh snowdrift accumulations were deposited atop a weak old snowpack surface particularly on NW/N/SE facing slopes above 1800m. The old snowpack is expansively metamorphosed, and faceted. The snowpack is highly diverse even over small areas.
Cirvumvent fresh snowdrifts
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Rainfall up to 1600m, caution urged towards snowdrifts above 1800m
Due to fresh snwofall and moderate velocidty winds, snowdrift accumulations which are prone to triggering have been generated particularly in gullies, bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape due to fresh snow and storm-velocity SW winds. The freshly generated drifts can be triggered even by one sole skier. Particularly unfavorable are shady slopes where there are weak layers inside the old snowpack. Releases will be mostly small-sized, medium-sized in isolated cases. Size of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude. Caution: be attentive to risks of being swept along and being forced to take a fall.
dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind dp.1: deep persistent weak layer
Rainfall widespread up to 1600m, above 1800m up to 15 cm of fresh snow was registered. Often moderate winds transported the fresh fallen snow. The fresh snowdrift accumulations were deposited atop a weak old snowpack surface particularly on shady slopes above 1800m. Further snowdrifts will accumulate during the course of the day. The snowpack is highly diverse even over small areas. There is too little snow on the ground for this juncture of the season.
Caution: fresh snowdrift accumulations
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Caution: fresh snowdrift accumulations.
Due to fresh snwofall and moderate velocity winds, snowdrift accumulations which are prone to triggering have been generated particularly in gullies, bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape due to fresh snow and storm-velocity SW winds. The freshly generated drifts can be triggered even by one sole skier. Particularly unfavorable are shady slopes where there are weak layers inside the old snowpack. Releases will be mostly small-sized, medium-sized in isolated cases. Size of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude. Caution: be attentive to risks of being swept along and being forced to take a fall.
dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
Up to 15 cm of fresh snow was registered regionally, locally more. Often moderate winds transported the fresh fallen snow. The fresh snowdrift accumulations were deposited atop a weak old snowpack surface above 1800m. on shady slopes. Further snowdrifts will accumulate during the course of the day. The snowpack is highly diverse even over small areas.