
Friday 27 December 2024

Published 26 Dec 2024, 17:00:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer

Main problem: persistent weak layer

Avalanche danger levels above the treeline are moderate, below that altitude danger is low. Avalanches of medium size can be triggered even by minimum additional loading in some places above the treeline, in gullies and bowls in all aspects. Danger zones increase in frequency with ascending altitudes. Above 2000m, avalanches can also trigger in more deeply embedded layers of the snowpack and grow to medium size, particularly on W/N/SE facing slopes. Due to solar radiation, naturally triggered, usually small loose-snow avalanches can be expected on extremely steep sunny slopes.


The snow has been transported far-reachingly. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies, bowls and slopes near forest rims are filled with snow. Above 2000m the snowpack layering is generally unfavorable, several weak layers are evident with faceted crystals. Especially on north-facing slopes the covered surface hoar is prone to triggering.


Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Freshly generated snowdrifts require attentiveness

Avalanche danger levels are moderate. Avalanches can be triggered even by minimum additional loading in some places above 2000m, particularly near ridgelines, in gullies and bowls and behind protruberances in the terrain on W/N/E facing slopes. Avalanches will mostly be small sized, occasionally medium-sized. Circumvent zones below glide cracks. Due to solar radiation, mostly small-sized loose-snow avalanches can be expected on extremely steep sunny slopes.


The fresh snow has been transported far-reachingly. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies and bowls are filled to the brim even at the forest rims. The snowdrifts often lie atop loose snow on extended north-facing slopes. The entire snowpack can glide over steep rock plates or grassy slopes.


The proneness to triggering of snowdrift accumulations will diminish only gradually.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Weak old snowpack layering + trigger-sensitive snowdrift accumulations at high altitude: restraint and cautious route selection required!

Avalanche danger above 2200m is considerable, below that altitude danger is moderate. Avalanches can be triggered even by minimum additional loading above 2200m, particularly near ridgelines, in gullies and bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape in W/N/E aspects. Danger zones tend to increase in frequency with ascending altitude. Above 2200m avalanches can be triggered from more deeply embedded layers inside the snowpack and often grow to large size. Circumvent zones below glide cracks. Due to solar radiation, mostly small-sized loose-snow avalanches can be expected on extremely steep sunny slopes.


The fresh snow has been transported far-reachingly. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies and bowls even at forest rims are filled to the brim. Above 2000m the snowdrifts often lie atop loose snow on extended north-facing slopes. Above 2200m the snowpack layering is unfavorable, with several weak layers of faceted crystals. In some places the covered surface hoar is prone to triggering. The entire snowpack can glide over steep rock plates or grassy slopes.


The proneness to triggering of snowdrift accumulations will gradually diminish. The persistent weak layer will remain.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Freshly generated snowdrifts require attentiveness

Avalanche danger above 2200m is considerable, below that altitude danger is moderate. Avalanches can be triggered even by minimum additional loading above the treeline, particularly in gullies and bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape in all aspects. Above 2200m avalanches can be triggered from more deeply embedded layers inside the snowpack and often grow to large size, esp. on W/N/E facing slopes. Settling noises and glide-craeks are indicators of danger, remote triggerings possible. As a result of solar radiation, naturally triggered, generally small-sized loose-snow avalanches can be expected on extremely steep sunny slopes.


The fresh snow has been transported far-reachingly. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies and bowls are filled to the brim, even at forest riims. Frsh snowdrifts have been deposited atop loose layers at high altitudes on extended north-facing slopes, often atop a deep layer of graupel. Above 2200m the snowpack layering is unfavorable, with several weak layers of faceted crystals. In some places the surface hoar is still prone to triggering. The entire snowpack can glide over steep rock plates or grassy slopes.
