Considerable avalanche danger! Driftsnow is prone to triggering even below the treeline line.
Considerable avalanche danger above 1.600m, below that moderate avalanche danger. Danger is caused by driftsnow accumulations adjacent as well as distant from ridgelines. Most danger spots are found in the sectors east and south behind ridgelines and in the beginning of gullies and bowls even below the tree line. Slab avalanches can be triggered by small additional loads. Avalanches can reach medium sizes.
In the past days cold new snow has landed on wet snow or - in higher altitudes - powder snow. Around 30 cm new snow in the westerly Northalps which will be drifted due to the stormy northwesterly winds. The summits can be blown-off but driftsnow can accumulate below treeline. Soft layers within the snowdrift and poor bonding to the old snow base can be weak layers.
Decreasing windslab problems and avalanche danger.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Moderate avalanche danger! Driftsnow is prone to triggering even below the treeline line.
Moderate avalanche danger above 1.600m, below that low avalanche danger. Danger is caused by driftsnow accumulations adjacent as well as distant from ridgelines. Most danger spots are found in the sectors east and south behind ridgelines and in the beginning of gullies and bowls even below the tree line. Slab avalanches can be triggered by small additional loads. Avalanches can reach medium size.
In the past days cold new snow has landed on a thin moist snow base. Summits have been blown off but in bowls in the sectors east and south driftsnow accumulations have been formed. Weak layers can be found on the transition to the old snow.
Decreasing windslab problems and avalanche danger.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Driftsnow is prone to triggering even below the treeline line. Moderate avalanche danger but caution when choosing a route within the avalanche zones!
Moderate avalanche danger above 1.600m, below that low avalanche danger. Danger is caused by driftsnow accumulations adjacent as well as distant from ridgelines. Most danger spots are found in the sectors east and south behind ridgelines and in the beginning of gullies and bowls. Slab avalanches can be triggered by small additional loads. Avalanches can reach medium size.
In the past days cold new snow has landed on wet snow or - in higher altitudes - powder snow. Around 30 cm new snow in the westerly Northalps which will be drifted due to the stormy northwesterly winds. The summits can be blown-off but driftsnow can accumulate below treeline. Soft layers within the snowdrift and poor bonding to the old snow base can be weak layers.
Decreasing windslab problems and avalanche danger.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Moderate Avalanche danger due to snowdrift in high altitudes!
Moderate avalanche danger above the tree line, below that: low avalanche danger. Driftsnow accumulations are located in gullies and bowls in the sectors east to south. Caution near Alpenhauptkamm because there it got significantly more new snow. Small to medium slab avalanches can be triggered with small additional loads.
South of the Alpenhauptkamm the snowcover is still thin. Only little new snow has fallen during Christmas. Due to wind transfer, there is a bit more snow in gullies and bowls. Driftsnow deposits are poorly bonded with the snow base. Blown-off areas are hard and icy.
Decreasing windslab problems and avalanche danger.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Low avalanche danger, but some danger spots due to fresh snowdrift deposits.
Low Avalanche danger. A few danger spots due snow drift deposits, which are located in gullies and bowls in higher altitudes in the sectors east to south. Small slab avalanches can be triggered.
In the southern Styrian mountains and easternmost alps the snowcover is still thin. Exposed areas are mainly blown-off and bare or icy. In gullies and bowls the snow cover is a bit thicker. The snow base doesn’t have significant weak layers.