Avalanche danger in general low, small loose snow avalanche are to expect!
The Avalanche danger is in general low, but sun light and warming during the day will lead to destabilization of the small new snow layer. Spontaneous loose snow avalanches especially from sunny slopes and extremely steep slopes, gliding snow avalanches on grassy areas are to expect.
The new snow from the weekend has settled without significant weak layers. In high shady slopes the snow base is formed of faceted snow which could be a weak layer in some areas. The surface layer will be moistened due to sunlight and warming especially on southern parts. On smooth grassy slopes the bottom layer could start gliding.
The avalanche danger stays low.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Avalanche danger ind general low, small loose-snow avalanches are to expect!
The Avalanche danger is in general low, but sun light and warming during the day will lead to destabilization of the small new snow layer. Spontaneous loose snow avalanches are expected especially from sunny slopes and extremely steep slopes.
South of the Alps the amount of loose snow is low without significant weak layers. In higher shady slopes the snow base is built of faceted snow. The surface layer is built by loose new snow which will be moistened and unstable due to sunlight and warming especially on southern parts.