
Monday 9 December 2024

Published 8 Dec 2024, 17:00:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Fresh, small-sized snowdrift accumulations

Avalanche danger is low, small drifts can trigger small sized slab avalanches above the treeline by minimum addtional loading, e.g. the weight of one single skier. Danger zones occur particularly near ridgelines on south and west-facing slopes and in wind-loaded gullies and bowls. The risks of being forced to take a fall outweigh those of being buried in snow masses.


Northeasterly winds will transport the snow on Monday over small areas. Fresh, trigger-sensitive snowdrifts will be generated. Older snowdrifts generated by westerly winds have now consolidated, are not expected to be trigger-sensitive. The old snowpack at high altitudes shows marked effects from wind and is highly irregular. All in all, there is still little snow on the ground.


The snowdrift problem is receding as weather conditions improve, it will swiftly diminish.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Circumvent snowdrifts

Avalanche danger above 1800m is moderate, danger is low below that altitude. Snowdrifts are the major problem, these can trigger a small-to-medium sized slab avalanche by minimum additional loading in some places. Danger zones occur near to and distant from ridgelines, mostly on S-N-E facing slopes and in wind-loaded gullies and bowls. Frequency of avalanche prone locations tends to increase with ascending altitude


Northeasterly winds will transport the snow on Monday over small areas. Fresh, trigger-sensitive snowdrifts will be generated. Also in the older snowdrifts generated by westerly winds, isolated layers which are prone to triggering are evident. The older drifts are now blanketed and difficult to recognize. At high altitudes in the Allgau Alps, in addition, there is a layer of faceted, expansively metamorphosed crystals beneath a melt-freeze crust. The old snowpack at high altitudes shows marked effects from wind and is highly irregular. All in all, there is still little snow on the ground.


Avalanche danger levels are expected to recede.