Limited Visibility conditions - Caution: snow drift is prone to triggering, especially in gullies and bowls with old snowpacks.
The Avalanche danger above around 1.800 m AMSL is moderate, below 1.800 m AMSL: low. Stormy winds from west to northwest cleared out exposed slopes but drifted snow towards gullies and bowls behind ridgelines. Snowdirftpacks tend to be prone to triggering, possible slab avalaches are small to medium, could be triggered by individual skiers with small additional load. Due to temporary warming and radiationon saturday the situation eased out on sunny slopes, the situation on shady slopes is marginal changing. Due to windshift increaasing snowdrift in west sector is expected. Depending on the wind influence avalanche prone locations can offer only weak snowpack layers, risk of falling.
In the area of the northern Alps as well as on the north side of Tauern the amount of new snow during the night of saturday is significantly more than predicted. The amount of new snow in Totes Gebirge and the area of Hochschwab is about 50 cm. The snow got on bare soils, fresh snow drift in gullies and bowls in highe shady slopes got on bonded snow from the last Novemberdays which transformed to facetted snow crystals.
Low amounts of new snow and weakening wind will not lead to significant changes of the avalanche danger scale.
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Limited visibility Conditions - Small Danger zones due to snow drifts
The avalanche prone locations due to new snow drift are located on shady slopes, where the new snow is above of rests of old snow from the last Novemberdays. In higher altitudes the fundament has transformed to facetted snow crystals and is in relation to snow drift prone to triggering. Slab avalanches are possible with higher additional load, but the amount of the possible avalanche stays small. Falling risks due to minor snow pack.
South of the Alps few snow, expected snowfall during the night predominately north of the Alps. Precipitations are forecasted only on the edge of the Southern Alps, no great amount of new snow is predicted. Vivid Winds during the weekend have spread the new snow unevenly in the area, leading to cleared slopes but snow drifted gullies and bowls.
Decreasing winds, few new snow will not lead to significant changes of the avalanche danger.