
Friday 31 January 2025

Published 31 Jan 2025, 09:53:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Persistent weak layer demands huge restraint in terrain selection

Avalanche danger above 1600m is considerable, below that altitude danger is low. Avalanches can in some places be triggered even by one sole skier. Above the treeline avalanches can fracture down to more deeply embedded layers in the snowpack, particularly on north-facing slopes. Also naturally triggered avalanches and remote triggerings are possible. Whumpf noises and cracks when you tread upon the snowpack, as well as fresh avalanche releases, are alarm signals and indicate imminent danger. Naturally triggered glide-snow and loose-snow avalanches are possible, mostly small sized releases. Small-to-medium naturally triggered glide-snow avalanches are possible.


Inside the old snowpack on very steep north-facing slopes above the trereline there are weak layers of faceted crystals. On the one hand, the snow was able to metamorhose esp. where snow is shallow; on the other, below the near-surface melt-freeze crust there are also faceted crystals. Below 1900m the old snowpack is moist due to the rain impact. On very steep grassy slopes the entire snowpac can begin to glide away.


Likelihood of weak layers in old snow triggering will gradually decrease

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Snowdrifts often still prone to triggering at high altitudes

Fresh snow and drifts of the last few days make triggering small-to-medium sized avalanches by one sole skier possible. Danger zones tend to increase in frequency with ascending altitude, particularly on steep shady slopes, but also behind protruberances in the landscape. Activities in backcountry demand much experience in assessing dangers and defensive conduct. At lower altitudes, danger is moderate. In addition, on very steep grassy slops, small-to-medium glide-snow avalanches can trigger naturally.


Due to often strong southerly winds, the latest bout of fresh snowfall was transported to highest-altitude ridgeline terrain and exposed terrain, on north-facing slopes to loose snowpack surface. The drifts particularly there are often poorly bonded with the old snowpack and are prone to triggering. Avalanches in these zones are especially possible inside the fresh snow and drifts and in transitions to the old snow. Often the drifts of recent days have been blanketed. On sunny slopes the most recent snowfall is already bonded. The snowpack beneath it is generally well consolidated. At lower altitudes the fresh snow often fell on bare ground.


Avalanche danger levels will decrease further

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Fresh snow and snowdrifts often still prone to triggering

Fresh snow and drifts of the last few days make triggering small-to-medium sized avalanches by one sole skier possible. Danger zones tend to increase in frequency with ascending altitude, particularly on steep shady slopes, but also behind protruberances in the landscape. Activities in backcountry demand much experience in assessing dangers and defensive conduct. At lower altitudes, danger is moderate. In addition, on very steep grassy slops, small-to-medium glide-snow avalanches can trigger naturally.


Due to often strong southerly winds, the latest bout of fresh snowfall was transported to highest-altitude ridgeline terrain and exposed terrain, on north-facing slopes to loose snowpack surface. The drifts particularly there are often poorly bonded with the old snowpack and are prone to triggering. Avalanches in these zones are especially possible inside the fresh snow and drifts and in transitions to the old snow. Often the drifts of recent days have been blanketed. On sunny slopes the most recent snowfall is already bonded. The snowpack beneath it is generally well consolidated. At lower altitudes the fresh snow often fell on bare ground.


Avalanche danger levels will decrease further

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Caution esp. at transitions from shallow to deep snow!

Avalanche danger is moderate. Main problem: weak old snow. In places, medium-sized slab avalanches can be triggered even by minor additional loading. Avalanche prone locations occur in very steep terrain above approx. 1800 m in W/N/E aspects. Frequency and size increase with ascending altitude. In addition, on very steep slopes with smooth ground below 2000 m medium-sized glide-snow avalanches can trigger naturally in all aspects. Avoid stopping or staying below glide cracks.


A few centimeters of new snow cover the snowdrifts of the last few days. Weak layers embedded in older snowdrift accumulations have consolidated. In particular at high altitudes the middle part of the snowpack contains weak layers consisting of faceted crystals. Nocturnal melt-freeze crusts will form on sunny side slopes. At intermediate altitudes the snowpack base is frequently wet. As a result, the snowpack can start gliding over smooth ground.


No significant change of avalanche danger anticipated.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Main danger: weak layers in old snowpack

Avalanches can be treiggered even by one sole skier and grow to large size. Remote triggerings are possible, esp. on shady wind-protected slopes where there has been heavy snowfall. Particularly treacherous are the foot of rock walls. Whumpf noises can indicate imminent danger. Due to solar radiation, increasingly frequent small loose-snow avalanches can be expected. In addition, isolated mostly small glide-snow avalanches are possible in the major areas of precipitation.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp.1: deep persistent weak layer

Since Tuesday above 1800m, there has been 40-60cm of fresh snow, locally more. The strong-velocity winds have transported the fresh snow, wind-protected zones above 2400m: in the lower part of the snowpack are faceted expansively metamorphosed weak layer. Shady slopes where the snow is shallos above 1800m: fresh snow and drifts blanket a weak old snowpack. Shady slopes below 1800m: the fresh snow lies deposited atop a thoroughly wet old snowpack.


Gradual decrease of avalanche danger

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

In isolated cases, slab avalanches in the old snowpack are possible on very steep north-facing slopes

Avalanche danger above the treeline is considerable, below that altitude danger is low. Slab avalanches can in some places on W/N/NE facing slopes be triggered even by one sole skier. Size and frequency of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude. Danger zones are difficult to recognize. Whumpf noises are indicators of imminent danger. Naturally triggered glide-snow and wet-snow avalanches are possible, the releases remain mostly small-sized.


Inside the old snowpack on very steep north-facing slopes above the trereline there are weak layers of faceted crystals. On the one hand, the snow was able to metamorhose esp. where snow is shallow; on the other, below the near-surface melt-freeze crust there are also faceted crystals. Below 1900m the old snowpack is moist due to the rain impact. On very steep grassy slopes the entire snowpac can begin to glide away.


Snowdrift problem will decrease

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Wind slab

Southerly winds are generating fresh, trigger-sensitive snowdrift accumulations

Avalanche danger above the timberline is moderate, below that altitude danger is low. Slab avalanches can in some places on NW/N/E facing slopes be triggered even by one sole skier. Danger zones occur esp. near ridgelines, behind protruberances in the landscape and in gullies and bowls. Size and frequency of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude. Danger zones are generally easily recognized. In isolated cases, avalanches can fracture down to more deeply embedded layers in the snowpack. Naturally triggered glide-snow and wet-snow avalanches are possible, the releases remain mostly small-sized. Avalanche danger above 1600m is considerable, below that altitude danger is low. Avalanches can in some places on NW/N/E facing slopes be triggered even by one sole skier. Danger zones occur esp. near ridgelines, behind protruberances in the landscape and in gullies and bowls. Size and frequency of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude. Danger zones are generally easily recognized. In isolated cases, avalanches can fracture down to more deeply embedded layers in the snowpack. Naturally triggered glide-snow and wet-snow avalanches are possible, the releases remain mostly small-sized.


Inside the old snowpack on very steep north-facing slopes above the trereline there are weak layers of faceted crystals. On the one hand, the snow was able to metamorhose esp. where snow is shallow; on the other, below the near-surface melt-freeze crust there are also faceted crystals. Below 1900m the old snowpack is moist due to the rain impact. On very steep grassy slopes the entire snowpac can begin to glide away.


Snowdrift problem will decrease

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer

Caution: weak layers in old snowpack

Avalanches can be triggered by one sole skier in some pladces and, in isolated cases, grow to large size, particularly on shady wind-protected slopes in zones where snowfall has been heavy. In isolated cases avalanches can fracture down to the wet old snow and sweep it along, releases thereby possibly reaching medium size. In addition, in places avalanches can be triggered in the surface layers, releases usually small but easily triggerable. Due to solar radiation, small-sized loose avalanches are possible.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind

Since Tuesday above 1800m, there has been 30-40cm of fresh snow, locally more. The strong-velocity winds have transported the fresh snow, wind-protected zones above 2400m: in the lower part of the snowpack are faceted expansively metamorphosed weak layer. Shady slopes where the snow is shallos above 1800m: fresh snow and drifts blanket a weak old snowpack. Shady slopes below 1800m: the fresh snow lies deposited atop a thoroughly wet old snowpack.


No significant change in avalanche danger levels anticipated

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Caution esp. at transitions from shallow to deep snow!

Avalanche danger above 1800 m is moderate, below that altitude danger is low. Main problem: weak old snow. In places, medium-sized slab avalanches can be triggered even by minor additional loading. Avalanche prone locations occur primarily in very steep terrain in W/N/E aspects. Frequency and size increase with ascending altitude. In addition, on very steep slopes with smooth ground below 2000 m small glide-snow avalanches can trigger naturally in all aspects. Avoid stopping or staying below glide cracks.


A few centimeters of new snow cover the snowdrifts of the last few days. Weak layers embedded in older snowdrift accumulations have consolidated. In particular at high altitudes the middle part of the snowpack contains weak layers consisting of faceted crystals. Nocturnal melt-freeze crusts will form on sunny side slopes. At intermediate altitudes the snowpack base is frequently wet. As a result, the snowpack will start gliding over smooth ground.


No significant change of avalanche danger anticipated.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Old snow in high altitudes and increasing gliding snow activities.

Moderate avalanche danger above 1.800 m. The main problem still a weak old snow cover underneath fresh snowdrift deposits. Danger spots are predominately in entries and peripheral areas of extremly steep gullies and bowls in the north to east expositions. Below 2.000 m spontaneous glidingsnow or gliding loose snow avalanches coming from extremly steep slopes are possible. Avoid areas below glide cracks.


The snowcover is moist even in high altitudes and partially wet till the ground. Exposed areas are icy and hard. Especially in northern and eastern expositions driftsnow deposits have settled. They accumulated on top of a moist old snow cover which is weakened due to metamorphosis. In steep areas the wet snow cover is prone to triggering when it’s on top of grass or smooth surfaces.


On Saturday the weather will be better due to upcoming south currents in the region north of the Alpenhauptkamm. No significant change of the avalanche danger.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab



Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Gliding snow

On very steep grass-covered slopes, mostly small-sized glide-snow avalanches can trigger naturally.


Due to often strong southerly winds, the latest bout of fresh snowfall was transported to highest-altitude ridgeline terrain and exposed terrain, on north-facing slopes to loose snowpack surface. On sunny slopes the most recent snowfall is already bonded. The snowpack beneath it is generally well consolidated. At lower altitudes the fresh snow often fell on bare ground.


Avalanche danger levels are not expected to change significantly.

Danger level

Avalanche danger low, little snow.

Avalanche danger low. Only in some places spontaneous glidingsnow and wet loose snow avalanches coming from extremly steep slops are possible. Avoid areas below open gliding cracks. Risk of injuries is more likely than risks of falling or being buried.


In general the snow amount is below the average. Southern slopes and exposed areas are predominatels bare and the surfaces are icy and hard in the morning. Everywhere else the snowcover is even on summits moist and partially wet till the ground. In some places in northern to eastern high altitudes expositions frech thin snowdriftis layered on top of an old snow cover which is weakened due to kinetic metamorphosis.


Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Gliding snow

Avalanche danger is low. In in all aspects, medium-sized glide snow avalanches can trigger naturally on very steep slopes with smooth ground. Avoid stopping or staying below glide cracks.


A few centimeters of new snow cover the snowdrifts of the last few days. Weak layers embedded in older snowdrift accumulations have consolidated., Snowpack. The snowpack is mostly stable. Nocturnal melt-freeze crusts form on sunny side slopes. At intermediate altitudes the snowpack base is frequently wet. As a result, the snowpack can start gliding over smooth ground.


No significant change of avalanche danger anticipated.

Danger level

Isolated danger zones occur on NW/N/NE facing slopes above 1800m

Due to fresh snow and SW winds, small snowdrift accumulations have been generated in gullies and bowls. Isolated danger zones occuron NW/N/NE facing slopes above 1800m.


Fresh snow and snowdrifts lie atop a thoroughly wet old snowpack. Below 1600m, hardly any snow on the ground.


No significant change in avalanche danger levels anticipated

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer



Danger level



Danger level

Very little snow on the ground

Avalanches hardly possible


Rainfall led to the snowpack becoming massively wet in all aspected over widespread areas. There is little snow on the ground.


No significant change in avalanche danger levels expected