
Wednesday 25 December 2024

Published 24 Dec 2024, 17:00:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
New snow
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Considerable avalanche danger widespread in backcountry

Fresh snow and drifts are prone to triggering. Danger zones occur particularly behind protruberances in the terrain and in wind-loaded steep terrain. Frequency and spread tend to increase with ascending altitude. Avalanches can be triggered even by the weight of one sole skier. If avalanches fracture down to deeper layers of the snowpack they can grow to large size. At low altitudes on steep grassy slopes, increasingly frequent small-to-medium glide-snow avalanches are possible. Due to solar radiatilon, loose-snow avalanches can be expected in rocky terrain.


The large amounts of fresh fallen snow and drifts, particularly at high altitudes, are poorly bonded with the old snowpack, making them prone to triggering. In the upper part of the snow layering there are weak layers evident (blanketed graupel / inside the latest snowdrift layers). At high altitudes on shady slopes there are weak layers inside the old snowpack, down to which avalanches could fracture.


The fresh snow and drifts remain prone to triggering. Avalanche danger levels are not expected to change significantly.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Wind slab

Considerable avalanche danger! Driftsnow is prone to triggering even below the treeline line.

Considerable avalanche danger above 1.600m, below that moderate avalanche danger. Danger is caused by driftsnow accumulations adjacent as well as distant from ridgelines. Most danger spots are found in the sectors east and south behind ridgelines and in the beginning of gullies and bowls even below the tree line. Slab avalanches can be triggered by small additional loads. Avalanches can reach medium sizes.


In the past days cold new snow has landed on wet snow or - in higher altitudes - powder snow. Around 30 cm new snow in the westerly Northalps which will be drifted due to the stormy northwesterly winds. The summits can be blown-off but driftsnow can accumulate below treeline. Soft layers within the snowdrift and poor bonding to the old snow base can be weak layers.


Decreasing windslab problems and avalanche danger.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
New snow
Persistent weak layer
Gliding snow

Considerable avalanche danger widespread in backcountry

Fresh snow and drifts are prone to triggering. Danger zones occur particularly behind protruberances in the terrain and in wind-loaded steep terrain. Frequency and spread tend to increase with ascending altitude. Avalanches can be triggered even by the weight of one sole skier. If avalanches fracture down to deeper layers of the snowpack they can grow to large size. At low altitudes on steep grassy slopes, increasingly frequent small-to-medium glide-snow avalanches are possible. Due to solar radiatilon, loose-snow avalanches can be expected in rocky terrain.


The large amounts of fresh fallen snow and drifts, particularly at high altitudes, are poorly bonded with the old snowpack, making them prone to triggering. In the upper part of the snow layering there are weak layers evident (blanketed graupel / inside the latest snowdrift layers). At high altitudes on shady slopes there are weak layers inside the old snowpack, down to which avalanches could fracture.


The fresh snow and drifts remain prone to triggering. Avalanche danger levels are not expected to change significantly.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
New snow

Lots of fresh snow, unfavorable snowpack layering

Avalanche danger above 1600m is considerable, below that altitude danger is moderate. Snowdrift accumulations are the main problem Slab avalanches can be triggered even. by the weight of one sole person. Many danger zones occur in steep ridgeline terrain in all aspects and in wind-loaded gullies and bowls, also to some extent in forest lanes and clearances. At high altitudes avalanches can grow to large size. In addiotion, the fresh snow of recent days can trigger naturally on sunny steep rocky slopes as a loose-snow avalanche. Isolated glide-snow avalanches cannot be ruled out.


Rising easterly winds will consolidate the loose fresh fallen snow and make it prone to triggering. Inside the snow masses of recent days there are weak layers of graupel and expansively metamorphosed crystals embedded which were generated during the interims in precipItation. In addition, in the uppermost metre of the snowpack beneath a marked melt-freeze crust there is a trigger-sensitive weak layer, particularly evident at intermediate altitudes. At low altitudes the snowpack is moist down to the ground, but gliding movements over grassy, smooth slopes are still the exception.


Avalanche danger levels will diminish in the stable weather and mild temperatures towards the end of the week.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow



Danger level

Avalanche Problem
New snow
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Fresh snow and fresh drifts are prone to triggering

Above the treeline avalanche danger is considerable, below that altitude danger is moderate. Danger zones occur behind protruberances in the terrain and on wind-loaded steep slopes. Frequency and magnitude tend to increase with ascending altitude. Whumpf noises and glide cracks when you tread upon the snowpack are signals of danger. Avalanches can be triggered even by the weight of one sole skier. In zones where snowfall has been heavy on steep grassy slopes and hillsides, increasingly frequent small-to-mediuim glide-snow avalanches are possible. Due to solar radiation loose-snow avalanches can be expected in rocky terrain.


The large amounts of fresh fallen snow and drifts, particularly at high altitudes, are poorly bonded with the old snowpack, making them prone to triggering. In the upper part of the snow layering there are weak layers evident (blanketed graupel / inside the latest snowdrift layers).


Avalanche danger levels will slowly diminish

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Current avalanche situation demands high restraint in outlying terrain from winter sports enthusiasts

Snowdrifts are the main problem. Slab avalanches in the snowdrifts can fracture in ground-level layers

Avalanche danger above the treeline is considerable, below that altitude danger is low. Medium sized slab avalanches from snowdrifts can be triggered even by minimum additional loading above the greeline, particularly in gullies and bowls and behind protruberances in the landscape in all aspects. Danger zones occur also distant from ridgeline; near the treeline above 2200m avalanches can be triggered in more deeply embedded layers of the old snowpack and then grow to large size. Above 2200m avalanches can be triggered from more deeply embedded layers inside the snowpack and often grow to large size. Settling noises and glide-craceks are indicators of danger. As a result of solar radiation, naturally triggered, generally small-sized avalanches can be expected on extremely steep sunny slopes.


The fresh snow has been transported far-reachingly. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies and bowls are filled to the brim. Inside the fresh and older drifts there are weak near-surface layers. Above 2000m the snowdrifts often lie atop faceted crystals near crusts. On wind-protected shady slopes above the treeline there is often surface hoar. Above 2200m the snowpack layering is unfavorable, with several weak layers of faceted crystals. The entire snowpack can glide over steep rock plates or grassy slopes.


The proneness to triggering of snowdrift accumulations will gradually diminish.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Freshly generated snowdrifts require attentiveness

Avalanche danger levels are moderate. Snowdrifts of large size can be triggered even by minimum additional loading above the treeline, near gulliees and bowls on NW/N/SE facing slopes. Below the treeline the avalanches will mostly be small sized. Below the treeline, avalanches are generally small-sized. Above 2200m avalanches can trigger in more deeply embedded weak layers inside the snowpack and in isolated cases grow to large size.


The fresh fallen snow has been heftily transported. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies and bowls and slopes near the treeline are filled to the brim. Inside the fresh and older drifts there are near-surface weak layers. Above 2000m the fresh snow and drifts have often been deposited atop faceted crystals near crusts,. On wind-protected shady slopes above the treeline there is often surface hoar. Above the treeline there is surface hoar evident. Above 2200m the snowpack layering is unfavorable, there are several weak layers of faceted crystals. The entire snowpack can glide away over steep rock places or grass-covered slopes.


The proneness to triggering of snowdrift accumulations will gradually diminish.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Snowdrifts are problematic

Avalanche danger above 1600m is considerable, below that altitude danger is low. Snowdrifts are the main problem. Slab avalanches can trigger even by the weight of one single person. Many danger zones occur in steep ridgeline terrain in all aspects and in wind-loaded gullies and bowls, often near forest edges and in clearances. Avalanches can reach medium size at high altitudes. In addition, the fresh snow of recent days can trigger naturally as loose-snow avalanches in sunny, rocky, steep terrain.


Rising easterly winds will consolidate the loose fresh fallen snow and make it prone to triggering. Inside the snow masses of recent days there are weak layers of graupel and expansively metamorphosed crystals embedded which were generated during the interims in precipItation. In addition, in the uppermost metre of the snowpack beneath a marked melt-freeze crust there is a trigger-sensitive weak layer, particularly evident at intermediate altitudes. At low altitudes the snowpack is moist down to the ground, but gliding movements over grassy, smooth slopes are still the exception. At low altitudes there is little snow on the ground, be careful of contact with the ground!


Avalanche danger levels will recede over the next few days due to stable weather conditions and mild temperatures.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Persistent weak layer

Circumvent snowdrift accumulations. Caution: persistent weak layer.

The small amount of fresh snow from yesterday and, particularly, the snowdrift accumulations deposited in gullies, bowls and behind protruberances in the terrain, can easily be triggered in all aspected above 2200m by one single skier.

Avalanches can fracture down to more deeply embedded layers inside the snowpack on shady slopes in particular, and then grow to larger size. Size and frequency of danger zones tend to increase with ascending altitude.

Whumpf noises and glide-cracks when the snowpack is tred upon are indicators of danger.

Small siozed loose-snow avalanches are possible on steep slopes and at the foot of rock cliffs due to solar radiation.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp.1: deep persistent weak layer

As a result of low temperatures and strong-to-stormy winds, fresh snowdrifts have accumulated over the last few days. These are often still poorly bonded with each other and with the old snowpack.

The freshly generated and somewhat older snowdrifts blanket a weak old snowpack surface above 2200m. Inside the old snowpack there are expansively metamosphosed, faceted crystals, particularly on shady wind-protected slopes.

The snowpack is highly irregular, even over small areas.


Evaluate snowdrift accumulations with critical caution

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow



Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Moderate snowdrift problem above the treeline

Avalanche danger levels above the treeline are moderate, below that altitude danger is low. Snowdrifts of medium size can be triggered even by minimum additional loading above the treeline, near gulliees and bowls on NW/N/SE facing slopes. Below the treeline the avalanches will mostly be small sized. Above 2200m avalanches can trigger in more deeply embedded weak layers inside the snowpack and in isolated cases grow to large size. Snowdrifts can be difficult to recognize due to poor visibility.


The fresh fallen snow has been heftily transported. Exposed ridges and crests are windblown, gullies and bowls near the treeline are often filled. Inside the fresh and older drifts there are weak near-surface layers. The bonding to the old snow above the treeline is inadequiate, several weak layers are evident with faceted crystals.


The proneness to triggering of snowdrift accumulations will gradually diminish.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Moderate Avalanche danger due to snowdrift in high altitudes!

Moderate avalanche danger above 1.600 m. Rising danger spots due to stormy winds which are located in gullies and bowls above 1.600 m in the sectors east to south. Caution near Alpenhauptkamm because there it got significantly more new snow. Small to medium slab avalanches can be triggered with small additional loads.


In the southern Styrian mountains and easternmost alps the snowcover is still thin. New snow has landed on surface hoar - in sunny slopes on grass. The snow base is thicker in gullies and bowls due to transported snow. Possible weak layers within snowdrift as soft layers. Blown-off areas are hard and icy.


Decreasing windslab problems and avalanche danger.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Evaluate snowdrift accumulations on shady slopes with great caution

Due to moderate to strong velocity winds, trigger-sensitive snowdrift accumulations have been generated over the last few days, particularly on shady slopes above 1800m: easily triggered or triggering naturally. Gullies and bowls are unfavorable, since weak layers are evident inside the old snow.

Avalanches are sometimes medium-sized. Frequency and magnitude tend to increase with ascending altitude.

Apart from the risk of being buried in snow masses, you also need to take the dangers of being swept along and forced to take a fall into consideration.


dp.1: deep persistent weak layer

Snowdrift accumulations cover a weak old snowpack surface on shady slopes and in general above 1800m. The old snowpack is weak, with faceted crystals. The snowpack is highly irregular even over small areas.

In all regions, at all altitudes, there is too little snow on the ground for this juncture of the season.


Avalanche danger levels are not expected to change significantly.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Snowdrift accumulations have been blanketed by loosely-packed fresh snow

Avalanche danger above 1500m is moderate, below that altitude danger is low. Snowdrifts are the main problem. Slab avalanches can trigger even by the weight of one single person. Many danger zones occur in steep ridgeline terrain in all aspects and in wind-loaded gullies and bowls, often near forest edges and in clearances. Avalanches can reach medium size at high altitudes. In addition, the fresh snow of recent days can trigger naturally as loose-snow avalanches in sunny, rocky, steep terrain.


Rising easterly winds will consolidate the loose fresh fallen snow and make it prone to triggering. Inside the snow masses of recent days there are weak layers of graupel and expansively metamorphosed crystals embedded which were generated during the interims in precipItation. In addition, in the uppermost metre of the snowpack beneath a marked melt-freeze crust there is a trigger-sensitive weak layer, particularly evident at intermediate altitudes. At low altitudes the snowpack is moist down to the ground, but gliding movements over grassy, smooth slopes are still the exception. At low altitudes there is little snow on the ground, be careful of contact with the ground!


Avalanche danger levels will decrease only gradually.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab



Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Evaluate freshly generated snowdrift accumulations on shady slopes with great caution.

Over the last few days, most shallow snowdrifts have accumulated in gullies and bowls. These can be triggered by large additional loading in isolated cases above 1800m, the releases will be small sized.

Avalanche releases will be small-sized. Apart from the risks of being buried in snow masses, the danger of being swept along and being forced to take a fall also require consideration.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind

Above 1800m the snowdrift accumulations cover a weak old snowpack on shady slopes. The old snowpack is often expansively metamorphosed, with faceted crystals. The snowpack is highly irregular even over small areas.


Avalanche danger levels are not expected to change significantly.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Low avalanche danger, but some danger spots due to fresh snowdrift deposits.

Low Avalanche danger. Slightly increasing danger spots due to stormy winds and snow drift deposits, which are located in gullies and bowls above 1.600 m mainly in the sectors east to south. Small slab avalanches can be triggered.


In the southern Styrian mountains and easternmost alps the snowcover is still thin. New snow has landed on surface hoar - in sunny slopes on grass. The snow base is thin without significant weak layers. Blown-off areas are hard and icy.


Avalanche danger stays low.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

